
What to Look For in Your Annual Home Inspection

Home maintenance is essential to live comfortably in your house with your family. The home should always be a reliable structure that will keep you and your loved ones safe for years, but it’s not indestructible. It will wear and tear as time passes, and you’ll have to make some repairs over the years. As such, you must do an annual home inspection to catch small problems before they become costly issues. If you’re unsure where to start, this article offers a list of areas to check for your inspection task. Keep reading to learn more.

Roofing Issues

First, add the roof to your annual home inspection checklist. This essential area of the home protects the entire structure. It shields the interiors and some exteriors from the weather, from the burning sun to the freezing snow. The roof should be durable and long-lasting, but it will deteriorate and show some issues over the years. So, make sure you inspect it regularly to prevent expensive repairs.

Start by going outside and looking at the look from the ground. You can easily check for visible issues like missing shingles or cracked tiles, which you should replace immediately to keep the structure waterproof. Then, you should get a ladder and climb up to look closer. If you see moss or algae, you should remove them even though they look charming because they can break down your roof faster while taking root on the material. A quick cleaning job should do the trick.

You should also check the gutters. These lead water away from your home and prevent water damage. Remove leaves, twigs, mud, or other debris in the gutter as soon as possible to ensure water can flow freely. You also want to check for rust, cracks, and gaps, which can lead to leaks. If you don’t want to do this inspection yourself, you should hire a professional roofer to do it for you. They’ll have the experience to look for issues and repair them as soon as possible.

Septic Levels

The septic tank holds the waste that goes down the drains and toilets in your house. Over the years, it will fill up and cause problems if you don’t keep up with septic tank maintenance. To ensure you don’t experience a stinky issue from your septic system, always check the septic levels and manage them as necessary.

If the tank starts to get full, you’ll notice a few symptoms around your home. For one, you might smell foul odors around drains, sinks, and toilets or hear gurgling sounds from your plumbing system. You might also see waste back in your home, indicating you should immediately call the professionals. This means your tank is full and needs to be pumped out quickly.

However, these signs might only show up when the problem is almost unmanageable, so regularly work with a local septic tank installation expert. They can check the system, see if there are problems, pump the waste out, and clean the tank to ensure maximum functionality. With this task on your annual home inspection checklist, you can prevent a big mess from ruining your home.

Overgrown Landscaping

Next on your annual home inspection checklist should be landscaping. As one of the more noticeable home areas, landscaping contributes greatly to curb appeal and home value. This space should always be in good condition because it reflects in you as a homeowner. Start trimming immediately if your landscape has overgrown trees, shrubs, and grass.

Start with the grass. Tall grass can harbor pests, but cutting it too short can kill the grass. Ensure you mow your lawn and trim the greenery at the right height. This will help create a blank space for your other plants. If you have a large yard with a lot of unkempt grass, consider investing in a commercial mower, which can cover more ground in a shorter time.

Then, look at your shrubs and bushes. These can easily take over your yard, so trim overgrown stems and keep them at a more manageable height. This will also allow you to shape bushes and make them more aesthetically pleasing. Your trees should also be pruned for safety, especially when storms and high winds hit your area. Prune dead or overgrown branches and cut down some foliage.

Dirt and Grime

Your annual home inspection should also check for dirt and grime around your property. Although this should be a more regular task, doing it yearly for some areas of the home should suffice. This applies especially to your exterior surfaces. Check the exterior walls, siding, and windows for grime or dirt buildup, and remove them as soon as you can to prevent them from becoming permanent. A power washer can help you with this task.

You also want to check metal surfaces. Dirt and grime can easily stick to these materials, so you want to keep up with regular cleaning for easier maintenance. Make sure you also check for rusting. Rust will eat away the material and make it less durable. If you find rust on outdoor furniture, downspouts, pipes, or other metal surfaces, you can opt for sandblasting surfaces to remove the rust, giving you a prepped surface for paint or sealant.

Your driveways and walkways also get covered in dirt and grime, from oil stains and tree sap to moss and sand. A good scrubbing will help restore the surface to its former glory and ensure safety around your house. By removing slippery moss, people can walk around without worrying about slipping or falling. You can also spot cracks and potholes more easily if you regularly clean your driveway.

Additions to Consider

Aside from making repairs around the house for your annual home inspection, you should consider upgrading the space and building some additions to increase the property’s value and aesthetic. These additions will ensure your home looks modern, inviting, and comfortable. With a few strategic additions, you can improve your living space while increasing the house’s value.

One of the most common additions to consider is a patio or deck. A patio or deck will give you an outdoor space for entertaining guests or relaxing on the weekend. You can host tea parties, read a good book, or do some gardening in a stylish space. Plan your design with an expert contractor to ensure the patio or deck fits the available space without taking up too much land area.

They will start with the foundation of the patio or deck. You want to work with paving companies to lay the groundwork and ensure your new build is stable. Then, bring in high-quality materials that can withstand the climate. You should also invest in waterproofing to prolong the life of your deck or patio. With this addition, you can lounge outside your home whenever you want.

Hard Water

Limescale, which comes from hard water, can ruin your pipes in the long run. After the water evaporates, it leaves an unwanted white residue on your kitchenware, glass surfaces, and sinks. Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it can clog your faucets and pipes, which can be expensive to replace later. Fortunately, the right water filtration system can easily soften the water.

A water softening system filters out minerals from hard water that can clog your pipes over the years. This will leave you with soft water that doesn’t leave a residue on various surfaces. Soft water is also better for your skin. Without the harsh minerals that can dry out your skin and cause a dull complexion and lifeless hair, you can bathe in gentler water that leaves you feeling clean and fresh.

A water filtering system will also improve your tap water taste. By removing minerals that can leave a bitter taste in the mouth, your family can enjoy drinking water at home. It will also remove any funky odors from the water that can discourage people from drinking. With this task on your annual home inspection checklist, you no longer have to worry about limescale buildup, unsightly mineral residues, and bad-tasting drinking water.

Chips in Pavement

As mentioned, the walkways and driveways around your home should always be clean to create a beautiful outdoor space and detect pavement issues more easily. If you keep these pathways clear of moss, dirt, and other residue, you can quickly spot pavement issues and take quick action to fix them as soon as possible. This will improve the safety of your home and give you peace of mind, especially when guests come over.

Chips in the pavement are some of the tiniest issues that can quickly become a large problem. A slight chip on the concrete can grow as people walk over it or cars drive on it. Water and ice can also widen the chipped area, worsening the damage. This will degrade the surface gradually, and it can grow into a pothole. Aside from safety, these chips also look ugly when you want a sleek surface to walk or drive over.

So, include the pavement in your annual home inspection. If you find any chipping, you can call a professional to fill the imperfections, smoothen the surface, and ensure it is safe for everyone. They can also work on more serious issues like large cracks in the pavement. With their help, you can keep the driveways and walkways around your home safe and pristine.

Security Gaps

Security is crucial for all homeowners. You don’t want to keep worrying about someone breaking into your home and stealing your stuff or, worse, hurting your family. Ensure you invest in the right measures to eliminate security gaps on your property. With just a few strategic steps in your annual home inspection, you can make your house safer for everyone.

Start with a perimeter check. Look at the fencing and gates and ensure they are in good condition to keep intruders away. A sturdy fence or gate can keep people out of your property and keep children and pets inside. You can work with a professional gate installation and repair service to maintain these barriers that distinguish your private property from the streets.

You should also check your doors and windows. If intruders somehow get past your gates and fences, they shouldn’t be able to enter the main house. You can further secure your property by investing in reliable locks for your windows and doors. You can opt for deadbolts, latches, and even smart locks. This will beef up your home security and give you peace of mind, even when you’re away for some time.

Flooring Issues

Give your floors some love when doing an annual home inspection. These surfaces are the ones that get the most wear as you walk around the house throughout the day. They are also easily forgotten until you trip and fall on your face because of a broken tile or a cracked wood plank. Catching flooring issues early will ensure a safer and more beautiful home.

When inspecting the home, look for cracks, chips, or gaps in the flooring material. Even minor imperfections can become more serious tripping hazards, so you want to find and fix them immediately. Depending on the material, you can opt for various treatment options, from wood resurfacing to tile replacement.

You might also seal the floor to add durability. Bare floors will easily deteriorate as you go through the day, especially if you like engaging in rough activities inside the house. Consider using an epoxy floor coating to protect the flooring and create a sleek yet long-lasting surface. Epoxy can withstand abuse, so you can do whatever you want inside your house without damaging the floors.

Furniture to Replace

Finally, replacing furniture should also be part of your annual home inspection. Furniture makes the home more comfortable, providing different areas for seating, dining, sleeping, etc. But these pieces don’t last forever. As you use them, they will deteriorate and become less functional. So, if you find a piece of furniture in your house that looks worn out, consider putting it to rest and finding a more modern and comfortable replacement.

Start with your kitchen and dining room furniture. Sofas, chairs, and tables should be cozy enough for your daily activities so you can be comfortable as much as possible. They must also look good so you can be inspired to stay and relax at home after a long day. You can easily find new furniture for your dining and living areas, from futuristic styles to antique pieces.

You should also think about your bed. You don’t want to sleep on a bed that squeaks and creaks every time you move. Find a durable bedframe that doesn’t wiggle or make strange noises. You should also buy a comfortable mattress for sale. This will help promote better sleep at night, leaving you fully refreshed in the morning. Just visit your local furniture store for a variety of options for your home.

Doing an annual home inspection is crucial to having a comfortable, safe, and beautiful house. Maintaining the property can be time-consuming, but keeping your family secure and healthy is essential. By inspecting various areas of the home, fixing issues immediately, and making adjustments as needed, you can have peace of mind, knowing that your property is in the best condition for your lifestyle.

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